Wednesday 1 May 2013

Brand is all about "YOU"

Why is it that one prefers Ford over Merc or Nikon over Canon or Formula1 over Moto GP?

These are not natural monopolies that run in the market. These are people's favourites. These are their choices.

Brand is merely a logo, if it does not connect with the mass, like you and me. Stories and emotions are the few ways in which the brand can communicate with the audience. We often say that we "love Manchester United" or that we "love Starbucks" or that we love "a drag of a cigarette". Do we actually love these products/services?

No, in absolute sense, we love ourselves.

We love the way how a brand makes us feel. We love the comfort of wearing a pair of Nike shoes. We love the sensation of the melting caramel oozing out of a 5 star chocolate bar. It switches us to an entirely different world, where pleasure is above all.

We love to donate at charity foundations, we love to sit along with our pals and cheer for your favourite team because such things give us a chance to love something about ourselves.

It is not easy to explain this harmless narcissism, to even ourselves. It is difficult to prove that such a pang that drives us to take apparently reasonable decisions everyday.

Nevertheless, we buy an Adidas football gear, a Gibson electric bass guitar or a modest cutting-chai because they help us define ourselves. Buying things that we love, and the way how we use them acknowledges others of what we are. Brand is a way to remind us what we want to be.

Great marketers don't sell stuff. They sell a meaning.

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Think twice before you speak, because your words will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
- Napoleon Hill