Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Electric cars..are they really so friendly?

Electric cars are seen as models of vehicles, which will help reduce emissions and aid the global go-green missions. Although what comes out of the Electric Vehicles (EVs) is friendly, but the main concern is about what goes into making it.

EVs have a great potential to be proven as entirely eco-friendly, but that will be judged by a review of how much electricity does it need to run and how much electricity does it consume to be produced. The coal-based generation of electricity being highly polluting, it grossly reduces the environmental advantage of the EVs.

Also, usage of nuclear energy for the generation of electricity is one of the safest and highly productive sources. No way is the clean way, however, nuclear energy is as clean as no other source for producing electricity could get.

However, in countries like Norway where electricity generation is through hydro-electric means, the environmental advantage that an EV has, clearly outweighs that of a conventional car. Thus, the size of an environmental impact depends upon the sources used to generate the electricity for the car.

This concern leaves the other major concerns like time taken to recharge the batteries, distance that an EV will travel on full charge far behind. Also, the making of the lithium-ion batteries would have an environmental impact, which is debated to be a large effect or a moderate one.

When the EVs will be out on a roll, another challenge that will come up would be about the recycling of all those Li-ion batteries. Market for companies that will come ahead to be able to recycle these batteries will grow. The Li-ion batteries if frozen to under -325 degrees F, diffuses the lithium, and then the shredding and scraping begins. Easier said than done, would say the Li-ion battery recyclers.

To keep a fact in mind, there exists no such thing as "zero-emission". In case of EVs, they are entirely zero-emission vehicles, but the manufacturing of the same and its products are not zero-emission activities, whatsoever.

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